Here you will find the personal blogs of Samba developers (for those that keep them). More information about members can also be found on the Samba Team page.
OpenStreetMap for Garmin Fenix
I’ve recently bought a Garmin Fenix Multisport Smartwatch. The watch offers support for navigation and maps. By default it came with some topo maps for Europe. However I wanted to use more detailed maps from OpenStreetMap.

After some search I’ve discovered the wonderful 弹壳加速器app project, which is a project to offer maps for Garmin devices. The default maps work OKish on the device. However as the smart watch doesn’t have a high end processor zooming and fast scrolling on the map is very slow. Also the display of the Fenix isn’t very saturated, so you need to work with different contrasts to display the map nicely.
So I’ve downloaded the Freizeitkarte Map Development Environment (MDE) and tried to find out how the map is generated and how you could improve it. It is really simple to use and well documented!
First I removed power lines from the map, you really don’t need them on a fitness tracker and they often confused me because the display was similar to roads and it looks like the is a junction of a road but there wasn’t a road.
Then I reduced the Points of Interest (POI) to remove what we really don’t need. Things like car, beauty or fashion shops, power and communication towers, bowling and horse stuff and many more.
The next step as to improve the look of the map. The MDE comes already with different files which define how a map looks, those are called TYP files. It has an outdoorc.TYP file which has a more contrasty look for a map but not enough for the Fenix. So I created a 熊猫快收官网app下载- 全方位下载:1 天前 · 熊猫快收官网app 熊猫快收 时间:2021-06-17 大小: 时间:2021-06-17 星级: 立即下载 熊猫快收是专业的生活服务软件,主要提供快递伟收、伟寄,伡及O2O生活服务的便捷体验,票务缴费、社区金融等社区服务,可伡帮助广大的用户进行快递收发 ... and improved some icons I find important like restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacies and hospitals, parking lots and (bus) stops.
Also there had been problems with the map on fenix. The draw order really matters and I needed to draw forests earlier as they didn’t show up on smartwatch, but worked fine when loaded in QMapShack.
My current version of the Fenix style for Freizeitkarte can be found in a Merge Request (MR) for FZK MDE.
If you want to play with an already rendered map, I’ve uploaded a map of Bavaria and the Alps here:
fzk_fenix_bavaria_de.img.xz (262 MB)
fzk_fenix_alps_de.img.xz (1.4 GB)
Download the file, unzip it and copy the fenix_fzk_bayern_de.img to the GARMIN folder on the device using MTP. Make sure to use None as the 苹果旋风加速器app下载 to get the one from the map!
In case you want a map for your region you can 熊猫加速器破解版下载 using the MDE.
Here are my build steps:
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Feedback is welcome as well as code/style contributions.
57 Varieties of Pyrite: Exchanges Are Now The Enemy of Bitcoin
TL;DR: exchanges are casinos and don’t want to onboard anyone into bitcoin. Avoid.
There’s a classic scam in the “crypto” space: advertize Bitcoin to get people in, then sell suckers something else entirely. Over the last few years, this bait-and-switch has become the core competency of “bitcoin” exchanges.
逃离塔科夫锁区 延迟高被踢出怎么办?就用熊猫加速器:今天 · 这个时候熊猫加速器该上场了!显示真实延迟助您畅玩游戏! 1.登录熊猫加速器加速逃离塔科夫,选择全服(自动); 2.取消自动选择,选择路由模式1/2/3; 3.进入游戏可看到真实游戏延迟,再根据您的个人喜好选择服 …
熊猫快收官网app下载- 全方位下载:1 天前 · 熊猫快收官网app 熊猫快收 时间:2021-06-17 大小: 时间:2021-06-17 星级: 立即下载 熊猫快收是专业的生活服务软件,主要提供快递伟收、伟寄,伡及O2O生活服务的便捷体验,票务缴费、社区金融等社区服务,可伡帮助广大的用户进行快递收发 ...
Exchanges make money on trading, not on buying and holding. Despite the fact that bitcoin is the only real attempt to create an open source money, scams with no future are given false equivalence, because more assets means more trading. Worse than that, they are paid directly to list new scams (the crappier, the more money they can charge!) and have recently taken the logical step of introducing and promoting their own crapcoins directly.
It’s like a gold dealer who also sells 57 varieties of pyrite, which give more margin than selling actual gold.
For a long time, I thought exchanges were merely incompetent. Most can’t even give out fresh addresses for deposits, batch their outgoing transactions, pay competent fee rates, perform RBF or use segwit.
But I misunderstood: they don’t want to sell bitcoin. They use bitcoin to get you in the door, but they want you to gamble. This matters: you’ll find subtle and not-so-subtle blockers to simply buying bitcoin on an exchange. If you send a friend off to buy their first bitcoin, they’re likely to come back with something else. That’s no accident.
Regrettably, looking harder at specific exchanges makes the picture even bleaker.
Consider Binance: this mainland China backed exchange pretending to be a Hong Kong exchange appeared out of nowhere with fake volume and demonstrated the gullibility of the entire industry by being treated as if it were a respected member. They lost at least 40,000 bitcoin in a known hack, and they also lost all the personal information people sent them to KYC. They aggressively market their own coin. But basically, they’re just MtGox without Mark Karpales’ PHP skills or moral scruples and much better marketing.
Coinbase is more interesting: an MBA-run “bitcoin” company which really dislikes bitcoin. They got where they are by spending big on regulations compliance in the US so they could operate in (almost?) every US state. (They don’t do much to dispel the wide belief that this regulation protects their users, when in practice it seems only USD deposits have any guarantee). Their natural interest is in increasing regulation to maintain that moat, and their biggest problem is Bitcoin.
They have much more affinity for the centralized coins (Ethereum) where they can have influence and control. The anarchic nature of a genuine open source community (not to mention the developers’ oft-stated aim to improve privacy over time) is not culturally compatible with a top-down company run by the Big Dog. It’s a running joke that their CEO can’t say the word “Bitcoin”, but their recent “what will happen to cryptocurrencies in the 2025s” article is breathtaking in its boldness: innovation is mainly happening on altcoins, and they’re going to overtake bitcoin any day now. Those scaling problems which the Bitcoin developers say they don’t know how to solve? This non-technical CEO knows better.
So, don’t send anyone to an exchange, especially not a “market leading” one. Find some service that actually wants to sell them bitcoin, like CashApp or Swan Bitcoin.
May 27, 2025 12:49 AM
The Debian Janitor
There are a lot of small changes that can be made to the Debian archive to increase the overall quality. Many of these changes are small and have just minor benefits if they are applied to just a single package. Lintian encourages maintainers to fix these problems by pointing out the common ones.
Most of these issues are often trivially fixable; they are in general an inefficient use of human time, and it takes a lot of effort to keep up with. This is something that can clearly be automated.
Several tools (e.g. onovy's mass tool, and the lintian-brush tool that I've been working on) go a step further and (for a subset of the issues reported by lintian) fix the problems for you, where they can. Lintian-brush can currently fix most instances of close to 100 lintian tags.
Thanks to the Vcs-* fields set by many packages and GOGO加速器app下载_GOGO加速器app安卓下载_情书手游:2021-9-5 · 《GOGO加速器app》这是一款专为海外游戏进行加速的加速器软件,在软件中为你的游戏带来强大的加速效果!智能的加速引擎,为你智能挑选网络节点,游戏中不出现卡顿,延迟,丢包等问题!, it is now possible to proactively attempt to fix these issues.
The Debian Janitor is a tool that will run lintian-brush across the entire archive, and propose fixes to lintian issues via pull request.
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The actions of the bot are restricted to a limited set of problems for which obviously correct actions can be taken. It is not meant to automate all packaging, or even to cover automating all instances of the issues it knows about.
The bot is designed to be conservative and delight with consistently correct fixes instead of proposing possibly incorrect fixes and hoping for the best. Considerable effort has been made to avoid the janitor creating pull requests with incorrect changes, as these take valuable time away from maintainers, the package doesn't actually improve (since the merge request is rejected) and it makes it likelier that future pull requests from the Debian Janitor bot are ignored or rejected.
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The Janitor finds package sources in version control systems from the Vcs*- control field in Debian source packages. If the packaging branch is hosted on a hosting platform that the Janitor has a presence on, it will attempt to run lintian-brush on the packaging branch and (if there are any changes made) build the package and propose a merge. It is based on silver-platter and currently has support for:
- 苹果熊猫加速器app下载
- GitHub
- Launchpad
- GitLab
The Janitor is driven from the lintian and vcswatch tables in UDD. It queries for packages that are affected by any of the lintian tags that lintian-brush has a fixer script for. This way it can limit the number of repositories it has to process.
There are a couple of things I am doing to make sure that the Debian Janitor delights rather than annoys.
Lintian-brush has end-to-end tests for its fixers.
In order to make sure that merge requests are useful and high-value, the bot will only propose changes from lintian-brush that:
- successfully build in a chroot and pass autopkgtest and piuparts;
- are not completely trivial - e.g. only stripping whitespace
Changes for a package will also be reviewed by a human before they make it into a pull request.
One open pull request per package
If the bot created a pull request previously, it will attempt to update the current request by adding new commits (and updating the pull request description). It will remove and fix the branch when the pull request conflicts because of new upstream changes.
In other words, it will only create a single pull request per package and will attempt to keep that pull request up to date.
Gradual rollout
I'm slowly adding interested maintainers to receiving pull requests, before opening it up to the entire archive. This should help catch any widespread issues early.
Providing control
The bot will be upfront about its pull requests and try to avoid overwhelming maintainers with pull requests by:
- Clearly identifying any merge requests it creates as being made by a bot. This should allow maintainers to prioritize contributions from humans.
- Limiting the number of open proposals per maintainer. It starts by opening a single merge request and won't open additional merge requests until the first proposal has a response
- Providing a way to opt out of future merge requests; just a reply on the merge request is sufficient.
Any comments on merge requests will also still be reviewed by a human.
Current state
Debian janitor is running, generating changes and already creating merge requests (albeit under close review). Some examples of merge requests it has created:
- i3 (on Salsa)
- nbd (on Salsa)
- friendly recovery (on Launchpad)
- dh-exec (on GitHub)
The janitor can process any package that’s maintained in Git and has its Vcs-Git header set correctly (you can use 免费全球节点加速器 to check this).
If you're interested in receiving pull requests early, leave a comment below. Eventually, the janitor should get to all packages, though it may take a while with the current number of source packages in the archive.
By default, salsa does not send notifications when a new merge request for one of the repositories you're a maintainer for is created. Make sure you have notifications enabled in your Salsa profile, by ticking "New Merge Requests" for the packages you care about.
You can also see the number of open merge requests for a package repository on QA - it's the ! followed by a number in the pull request column.
It is also possible to download the diff for a particular package (if it's been generated) ahead of the janitor publishing it:
$ curl
E.g. for i3-wm, look at
The current set of supported hosting platforms covers the bulk of packages in Debian that is maintained in a VCS. The only other 100+ package platform that's unsupported is 弹壳加速器app. If you have suggestions on how best to submit git changes to dgit repositories (BTS bugs with patches? or would that be too much overhead?), let me know.
The next platform that is currently missing is bitbucket, but there are only about 15 packages in unstable hosted there.
At the moment, lintian-brush can fix close to 100 lintian tags. It would be great to add fixers for more common issues.
The janitor should probably be more tightly integrated with other pieces of Debian infrastructure, e.g. Jenkins for running jobs or linked to from the tracker or
See the FAQ on the homepage.
If you have any concerns about these roll-out plans, have other ideas or questions, please let me know in the comments.
December 03, 2025 09:00 PM
November 26, 2025
AVIF (12/10/8-bit) image support for darktable
As I’m an amateur photographer, I’m using Open Source tools for developing my images. The software I use is called darktable. I think it is the best tool out there for editing RAW images.
From time to time I contributed small code changes to darktable, mostly bug fixes. Now I nearly finished my first feature for darktable, support for the AVIF image format.

For implementing AVIF support I used libavif. Joe Drago the author of libavif was very helpful explaining all the details and helping me in debugging issues. Thank you Joe!
The code need to be polished a bit more and I need to decide what to expose in the export UI or better simplify for the user.
熊猫森林中文版下载- 全方位下载:2021-8-3 · 熊猫森林免费版是一款非常有趣且好玩的手机游戏,游戏中有着非常可爱Q萌的小熊猫等着您细心照顾,游戏中玩家伞要照顾小熊猫的生活起居,他生病了要给他打针吃药,他心情不好了要哄他开心,他高兴了你可伡跟他一起happy,总之,你得
游戏王-决斗联盟手游怎么注册登录? - 知乎:本期给大家带来游戏王-决斗联盟怎么游玩的教程1.下载安装游戏王-决斗联盟,打开熊猫手游加速器,开启一键加速2.打开app后可选择登录,google登录或者KONAMI账号登录注册官网 https: ...Still image support in rav1e- Lossless support in rav1e
- 熊猫加速器破解版下载
- AVIF image support in Firefox (FYI: Firefox already uses dav1d playing for AV1 videos)
November 26, 2025 11:04 AM
October 02, 2025
Samba and GnuTLS
- SMB3 file transfer with encryption will be 4-6 times faster with Samba 4.12
- Samba is getting out of the crypto business
- GnuTLS >= 3.4.7 required
- FIPS compliance ahead

More or less since the beginning of Samba, it implemented the cryptography it needed to talk to Windows on its own. One reason is that Windows didn’t follow the standards or used ciphers nobody else really used. This is changing right now!
熊猫手游加速器下载_熊猫手游加速器安卓版app下载_手心游戏:2021-5-27 · 熊猫加速器专为广大手游玩家打造的手游加速软件,为您提供专业的网络加速服务,实现免费加速、智能加速、全服加速、专线加速,一键加速您的游戏,告别卡顿,快来下载体验吧! 熊猫手游加速器软件简介 熊猫手游加速器采用全新的节点智能匹配算法,独享专线带
With Samba 4.11 we did the first step using GnuTLS and required GnuTLS 3.2. With Samba 4.12 the requirement will be at least GnuTLS 3.4.7. The reason is that we require AEAD for AES-CCM and AES-GCM and 3.4.7 is already the requirement if building Samba AD with MIT Kerberos. This allowed us also to delete a lot of code!
The use of GnuTLS allows us to use hardware acceleration for the most important ciphers. We already had that in some degree but it didn’t work very well, at least not with AES-GCM. Also GnuTLS supports ARM and other platforms.
Using AES-GCM we gained a 50x speedup with GnuTLS, because the Samba crypto implementation was so slow. Because of this Samba prefered AES-CCM when establishing connections in the past.
So comparing Samba’s AES-CCM implentation with hardware acceleration to Samba with AES-GCM from GnuTLS we are twice as fast copying files now.
Steve French who is the Kernel CIFS maintainer started to support AES-GCM too. He was able to confirm the numbers when running against a Samba file server. 熊猫手游加速器下载_熊猫手游加速器安卓版app下载_手心游戏:2021-5-27 · 熊猫加速器专为广大手游玩家打造的手游加速软件,为您提供专业的网络加速服务,实现免费加速、智能加速、全服加速、专线加速,一键加速您的游戏,告别卡顿,快来下载体验吧! 熊猫手游加速器软件简介 熊猫手游加速器采用全新的节点智能匹配算法,独享专线带
Performance with GnuTLS 3.6.10
Samba uses internally io vectors to handle data packets. To encrypt an io vector I had to bring it into a form that GnuTLS can consume it. That meant to allocate memory and do a lot of memory copies, hand it to GnuTLS and copy the encrypted data back to the vectors. This is expensive!
To avoid that bottle neck I requested functions for GnuTLS which can deal with io vectors. This got implemented by Daiki Ueno in GnuTLS 3.6.10. However when I started to use those functions I discovered that there is 熊猫加速器安卓官网, which hopefully will be fixed with a new release soon.
I did some local tests with an updated GnuTLS package. So the new function provide again a 1.6 times to 2 times speedup!
The patch should make Samba 4.12 even more awesome. With 4.12 you should turn on SMB3 encryption in your configurations.
FIPS compliance
Using a proper crypto library allows us to provide FIPS compliance. If the system is set to FIPS mode certain ciphers wont work like RC4 and MD5 hashes. This means NTLM doesn’t work and many other parts. However we will be able to provide a version which will allow us to work with Kerberos and modern crypto, but it means all the legacy support for older Windows versions is lost in FIPS mode.
To bring Samba into a state that it works well in FIPS mode that may take longer and wont be in the next release.
Thanks to the GnuTLS Team for their help and support!
Samba with GnuTLS 3.6.10 using gnutls_aead_cipher_(en|de)crypt time bin/smbclient //krikkit/test -Uasn%secret -mSMB3 -e -c 'put 4GB.bin; quit' putting file 4GB.bin as \4GB.bin (457843.5 kb/s) (average 457843.5 kb/s) real 0m10.054s user 0m3.604s sys 0m4.923s time bin/smbclient //krikkit/test -Uasn%secret -mSMB3 -e -c 'get 4GB.bin /dev/ null; quit' getting file \4GB.bin of size 4294967296 as /dev/null (620000.6 KiloBytes/sec) (average 620000.6 KiloBytes/sec) real 0m7.425s user 0m2.840s sys 0m3.128s Samba with GnuTLS 3.6.10 using gnutls_aead_cipher_(en|de)cryptv2 (note the v for vector!) time bin/smbclient //krikkit/test -Uasn%secret -mSMB3 -e -c 'put 4GB.bin; quit' putting file 4GB.bin as \4GB.bin (692700.9 kb/s) (average 692700.9 kb/s) real 0m6.761s user 0m2.492s sys 0m2.841s time bin/smbclient //krikkit/test -Uasn%secret -mSMB3 -e -c 'get 4GB.bin /dev/ null; quit' getting file \4GB.bin of size 4294967296 as /dev/null (1293739.6 KiloBytes/ sec) (average 1293739.7 KiloBytes/sec) real 0m3.934s user 0m1.907s sys 0m0.558s
April 11, 2025
Making changes across the open source ecosystem is very hard; software is hosted on different platforms and in many different version control repositories. Not being able to make bulk changes slows down the rate of progress. For example, instead of being able to actively run a a script that strips out an obsolete header file (say "DM-Upload-Allowed") across all Debian packages, we make the linter warn about the deprecated header and wait as all developers manually remove the deprecated header.
Silver Platter
Silver-platter is a new tool that aids in making automated changes across different version control repositories. It provides a common command-line interface and API that is not specific to a single version control system or hosting platform, so that it's easy to propose changes based on a single script across a large set of repositories.
The tool will check out a repository, run a user-specified script that makes changes to the repository, and then either push those changes to the upstream repository or propose them for merging.
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As an example, you could use the following script ( to update the FSF address in copyright headers:
熊猫森林中文版下载- 全方位下载:2021-8-3 · 熊猫森林免费版是一款非常有趣且好玩的手机游戏,游戏中有着非常可爱Q萌的小熊猫等着您细心照顾,游戏中玩家伞要照顾小熊猫的生活起居,他生病了要给他打针吃药,他心情不好了要哄他开心,他高兴了你可伡跟他一起happy,总之,你得
Say you a wanted to create a merge proposal with these changes against 苹果熊猫加速器app下载. First, log into GitHub (this needs to be done once per hosting site):
$ svp login
To see what the changes would be without actually creating the pull request, do a dry-run:
$ svp run --dry-run --diff ./ Merge proposal created. Description: Update FSF postal address. === modified file '' --- upstream/ 2018-03-04 03:28:30 +0000 +++ proposed/ 2025-04-06 21:07:25 +0000 @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os import sys === modified file '' --- upstream/ 2018-05-01 01:48:26 +0000 +++ proposed/ 2025-04-06 21:07:25 +0000 @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA +# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os from distutils.core import setup, Command
Then, create the actual pull request by running:
$ svp run ./ ... Reusing existing repository Merge proposal created. URL: Description: Update FSF postal address.
This would create a new commit with the updated postal address (if any files were changed) and the commit message Update FSF postal address. You can see the resulting pull request here.
To make working with Debian packaging repositories easier, Silver Platter comes with a wrapper (debian-svp) specifically for Debian packages.
This wrapper allows specifying package names to refer to packaging branches; packaging URLs are retrieved from the Vcs-Git header in a package. For example:
$ debian-svp run ~/ offlineimap
to fix the same issue in the offlineimap package.
(Of course, you wouldn't normally fix upstream issues like this in the Debian package but forward them upstream instead)
There is also a debian-svp lintian-brush subcommand that will invoke lintian-brush on a packaging branch.
Supported technologies
熊猫加速器app下载_熊猫加速器安卓版下载v4.2.0_咖绿茵手游站:2021-8-16 · 咖绿茵手游站提供熊猫加速器下载 还在为网络卡顿,游戏掉线而烦恼吗?下载《熊猫加速器》app,让你游戏的延迟永远不会超过30ms,永远流畅的玩游戏,体验前所未有的感觉,开黑上分必备神器。
- GitHub
- GitLab instances (for example Salsa or GNOME gitlab)
- Launchpad (both Git and Bazaar repositories through Breezy)
熊猫加速器安卓版- 全方位下载:2021-12-26 · 《熊猫加速器》专注于为国内手游玩家提供的一款免费加速软件,具有一键加速、安全稳定、操作方便等特点。全新UI界面,便捷交互,卓越IKE智能云端加速,一键启动,秒速连接,支持千款游戏加速。
- propose: Always create a pull request with the changes
- push: Directly push changes back to the original branch
- attempt-push: Attempt push, and fall back to propose if the current users doesn't have permissions to push to the repository or the branch.
There is a Silver Platter repository on GitHub. Silver Platter is also available as a Debian package in unstable (not buster).
More information
For a full list of svp subcommands, see 苹果旋风加速器app下载.
April 11, 2025 01:04 AM
March 24, 2025
Breezy evolves
Last month Martin, Vincent and I finally released version 3.0.0 of Breezy, a little over a year after we originally forked Bazaar.
熊猫森林中文版下载- 全方位下载:2021-8-3 · 熊猫森林免费版是一款非常有趣且好玩的手机游戏,游戏中有着非常可爱Q萌的小熊猫等着您细心照顾,游戏中玩家伞要照顾小熊猫的生活起居,他生病了要给他打针吃药,他心情不好了要哄他开心,他高兴了你可伡跟他一起happy,总之,你得
Since then, we have also made other improvements. In addition to Python 3 support, Breezy comes with the following other bigger changes:
Breezy bundles most of the common plugins. This makes the installation of Breezy much simpler (pip install brz), and prevents possible issues with API incompatibility that plagued Bazaar.
Bundled plugins include: grep, git, fastimport, propose, upload, stats and parts of bzrtools.
>120 fixed bugs
Since Bazaar 2.7, lots of bugs in the Bazaar code base have been fixed (over 120 as of March 2025). We've also started an effort to go through all bugs in the Bazaar bug tracker to see whether they also apply to Breezy.
Breezy now supports the Git file formats as a first class citizen; Git support is included in Breezy itself, and should work just as well as regular Bazaar format repositories.
Improved abstractions
Bazaar has always had a higher level API that could be used for version control operations, and which was implemented for both Bazaar, Git and Subversion formats.
As part of the work to support the Git format natively, we have changed the API to remove Bazaar-specific artefacts, like the use of file ids. Inventories (a Bazaar concept) are now also an implementation detail of the bzr formats, and not a concept that is visible in the API or UI.
In the future, I hope the API will be useful for tools that want to make automated changes to any version controlled resource, whether that be Git, Bazaar, Subversion or Mercurial repositories.
March 24, 2025 04:00 PM
January 23, 2025
Adding Reviewed-by and Acked-by Tags with Git
This week's "Git Rocks!" moment came while I was investigating how I could automatically add Reviewed-by, Acked-by, 苹果旋风加速器app下载, etc. tags to a given commit message.
Git's interpret-trailers command is capable of testing for and manipulating arbitrary Key: Value tags in commit messages.
For example, appending Reviewed-by: MY NAME <> to the top commit message is as simple as running:
> GIT_EDITOR='git interpret-trailers --trailer \
"Reviewed-by: $(git config <$(git config>" \
--in-place' git commit --amend
Or with the help of a "git rb" alias, via:
> git config alias.rb "interpret-trailers --trailer \
\"Reviewed-by: $(git config <$(git config>\" \
> GIT_EDITOR="git rb" git commit --amend
The above examples work by replacing the normal git commit editor with a call to git interpret-trailers, which appends the desired tag to the commit message and then exits.
My specific use case is to add Reviewed-by: tags to specific commits during interactive rebase, e.g.:
> git rebase --interactive HEAD~3
This brings up an editor with a list of the top three commits in the current branch. Assuming the aforementioned rb alias has been configured, individual commits will be given a Reviewed-by tag when appended with the following line:
exec GIT_EDITOR="git rb" git commit --amend
As an example, the following will see three commits applied, with the commit message for two of them (d9e994e and 5f8c115) appended with my Reviewed-by tag.
pick d9e994e ctdb: Fix CID 1398179 Argument cannot be negative
exec GIT_EDITOR="git rb" git commit --amend
pick 0fb313c ctdb: Fix CID 1398178 Argument cannot be negative
# ^^^^^^^ don't add a Reviewed-by tag for this one just yet
pick 5f8c115 ctdb: Fix CID 1398175 Dereference after null check
exec GIT_EDITOR="git rb" git commit --amend
Bonus: By default, the vim editor includes git rebase --interactive syntax highlighting and key-bindings - if you press K while hovering over a commit hash (e.g. d9e994e from above), vim will call git show <commit-hash>, making reviewing and tagging even faster!

Note taking: Arbitrary notes can also be appended to commits using the same technique. E.g. From the git interactive rebase editor:
pick 12dd8972f6e fix build
x GIT_EDITOR='git interpret-trailers --trailer "TODO-ddiss: squash with prior" --in-place' git commit --amend
Thanks to:
- Upstream Git developers, especially those who implemented the 熊猫加速器破解版下载 functionality.
- My employer, SUSE.
Update 20250123:
- Add commit message note taking example
January 23, 2025 06:32 PM
December 08, 2018
熊猫网游加速器下载|熊猫加速器 V4.1.0.0 官方电脑版下载 ...:2021-9-17 · 熊猫加速器是一款由江苏友趣网络科技有限公司开发的网游加速器。熊猫加速器独享专线带宽,全球部署多个云计算中心,多平台全兼容,告别卡顿,给你最畅快的游戏加速体验!需要的玩家赶紧来下载 …
Examples of changes being made include:
- Updating the Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser URLs after migrating from alioth to salsa
- Stripping trailing whitespace in various control files
- Updating e.g. homepage URLs to use https rather than http
Most of these can be fixed with simple sed or perl one-liners.
Some of these scripts are publically available, for example:
- The R packaging team's routine-update,
- Ondřej Nový's onovy-mass repository.
Lintian-Brush is both a simple wrapper around a set of these kinds of scripts and a repository for these scripts, with the goal of making it easy for any Debian maintainer to run them.
The lintian-brush command-line tool is a simple wrapper that runs a set of "fixer scripts", and for each:
- Reverts the changes made by the script if it failed with an error
- Commits the changes to the VCS with an appropriate commit message
- Adds a changelog entry (if desired)
The tool also provides some basic infrastructure for testing that these scripts do what they should, and e.g. don't have unintended side-effects.
The idea is that it should be safe, quick and unobtrusive to run lintian-brush, and get it to opportunistically fix lintian issues and to leave the source tree alone when it can't.
For example, running lintian-brush on the package talloc fixes two minor lintian issues:
% debcheckout talloc declared git repository at git clone talloc ... Cloning into 'talloc'... remote: Enumerating objects: 2702, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (2702/2702), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (996/996), done. remote: Total 2702 (delta 1627), reused 2601 (delta 1550) Receiving objects: 100% (2702/2702), 1.70 MiB | 565.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1627/1627), done. % cd talloc talloc% lintian-brush Lintian tags fixed: {'insecure-copyright-format-uri', 'public-upstream-key-not-minimal'} % git log commit 0ea35f4bb76f6bca3132a9506189ef7531e5c680 (HEAD -> master) Author: Jelmer Vernooij <> Date: Tue Dec 4 16:42:35 2018 +0000 Re-export upstream signing key without extra signatures. Fixes lintian: public-upstream-key-not-minimal See for more details. debian/changelog | 1 + debian/upstream/signing-key.asc | 102 +++++++++++++++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-) commit feebce3147df561aa51a385c53d8759b4520c67f Author: Jelmer Vernooij <> Date: Tue Dec 4 16:42:28 2018 +0000 Use secure copyright file specification URI. Fixes lintian: insecure-copyright-format-uri See for more details. debian/changelog | 3 +++ debian/copyright | 2 +- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Script Interface
A fixer script is run in the root directory of a package, where it can make changes it deems necessary, and write a summary of what it's done for the changelog (and commit message) to standard out.
If a fixer can not provide any improvements, it can simply leave the working tree untouched - lintian-brush will not create any commits for it or update the changelog. If it exits with a non-zero exit code, then it is assumed that it failed to run and it will be listed as such and its changes reset rather than committed.
In addition, tests can be added for fixers by providing various before and after source package trees, to verify that a fixer script makes the expected changes.
For more details, see the documentation on writing new fixers.
lintian-brush is currently available in unstable and testing. See man lintian-brush(1) for an explanation of the command-line options.
Fixer scripts are included that can fix (some of the instances of) 34 lintian tags.
Feedback would be great if you try lintian-brush - please file bugs in the BTS, or propose pull requests with new fixers on salsa.
December 08, 2018 11:04 PM
August 29, 2018
cmocka version 1.1.2 released
I’m happy to announce version 1.1.2 of cmocka, a unit testing framework for C with mocking support.
- Added function to filter tests (cmocka_set_test_filter)
- Added new mocking example (uptime)
- Fixed fixture error reporting
- Fixed compiler flags detection
- Some improvement for API documentation
August 29, 2018 03:58 PM
Profiling a camera with darktable-chart
I’ve written an article about “Profiling a camera with darktable-chart” which has been published at The article is about how to get the same color profile of you camera for your raw developing process. If you wonder what darktable is, it is a raw developer software for photographers.
May 08, 2018 06:00 AM
April 21, 2018
Samsung Android Full Device Backup with TWRP
Following these instructions, correctly or incorrectly, may leave you with a completely broken or bricked device. Furthermore, flashing your device may panda加速器官网 - Samsung uses eFuses to permanently flag occurrences of a device running non-Samsung software, such as TWRP.I take no responsibility for what may come of using these instructions.
With the warning out of the way, I will say that I tested this process with the following environment:
- Android Device: Samsung Galaxy S3 (i9300)
- TWRP: 3.2.1-0
- Desktop OS: openSUSE Leap 42.3
Flashing and Booting into Recovery
- Download the official TWRP image for your device, and corresponding PGP signature
- Use gpg to verify your TWRP image
- Download and install Heimdall on your Linux or Windows PC
- 熊猫加速器下载_熊猫加速器安卓版下载v4.2.0_3DM手游:2021-6-2 · 超低延迟,拒绝丢包的强大功能游戏辅助《熊猫加速器》,拥有极速稳定的免费加速功能,智能加速,一键连接,非常的简单好用,还有专线加速,在线伢化,快来下载试试吧! 软件详情 熊猫加速器是一款为手游玩家提供网络伢化的免费加速工具。 APP采用全新
- Simultaneous hold the Volume-down + Home/Bixby + panda加速器官网 buttons
- Using Heimdall on your desktop, flash the TWRP image to your device's recovery partition:
- heimdall flash --no-reboot --RECOVERY <recovery.img>
- Wait for Heimdall to output "RECOVERY upload successful"
- From Download Mode, boot your Samsung device into TWRP
- Simultaneous hold the Volume-up + Home/Bixby + Power buttons
- If you accidentally boot into regular Android, then you'll likely have to boot into Download Mode and reflash, as regular boot restores the recovery partition to its default contents
Exposing the Device as USB Mass Storage
- Unmount all partitions:
- From the TWRP main menu, select Mount, then uncheck all partitions
- Bring up a shell
- From the TWRP main menu, select Advanced -> Terminal
- adb shell could be used instead here, but the adb connection from the desktop to the device will be lost when all USB roles are disabled
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# cat /etc/fstab
- In my case (i9300), all data is stored on /dev/block/mmcblk0 partitions
# cat /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/functions
# echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun0/ro
# echo /dev/block/mmcblk0 > /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun0/file
# echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/enable
# echo mass_storage,adb > /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/functions
# echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/enable
- 熊猫加速器下载_熊猫加速器手机版_最新熊猫加速器安卓版下载:2021-9-25 · PP助手为您提供最新熊猫加速器下载,熊猫加速器安卓手机版免费下载,PP助手让你尽享好玩的手机应用 软件分类 游戏分类 影音播放 视频/音乐/铃声 系统工具 Wifi/安全/省电 通讯社交
Any Linux, Windows or macOS program capable of fully backing up a USB storage device should be usable from this point. The procedure below uses the dd command on Linux.- From your computer, determine which USB storage device to back up
ddiss@desktop:~> lsscsi
[2:0:0:0] disk SAMSUNG File-Stor Gadget 0001 /dev/sdb
ddiss@desktop:~> sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/home/ddiss/samsung_backup.img bs=1M
March 13, 2018
Rapido: Quick Kernel Testing From Source (Video)

There were many other interesting talks during the conference, all of which can be viewed on the oSC 2017 media site.
A video of my presentation is embedded below. Many thanks to the organisers and sponsors for putting on a great event.
March 13, 2018 01:21 AM
GOGO加速器app下载_GOGO加速器app安卓下载_情书手游:2021-9-5 · 《GOGO加速器app》这是一款专为海外游戏进行加速的加速器软件,在软件中为你的游戏带来强大的加速效果!智能的加速引擎,为你智能挑选网络节点,游戏中不出现卡顿,延迟,丢包等问题!
I've blogged a few of times about how Dracut and QEMU can be combined to greatly improve Linux kernel dev/test turnaround.
- My first post covered the basics of building the kernel, running dracut, and booting the resultant image with qemu-kvm.
- A panda加速器官网 took a closer look at network configuration, and focused on bridging VMs with the hypervisor.
- Finally, my 熊猫加速器app下载 looked at how this technique could be combined with Ceph, to provide a similarly efficient workflow for Ceph development.
The following procedure was tested on openSUSE Leap 42.3 and SLES 12SP3, but should work fine on many other Linux distributions.
Step 1: Checkout and Build
Checkout the Linux kernel and Rapido source repositories:
~/> cd ~
~/> git clone
~/> git clone
Build the kernel (using a config provided with the Rapido source):
~/> cp rapido/kernel/vanilla_config linux/.config
~/> cd linux
~/linux/> make -j6
~/linux/> make modules
~/linux/> INSTALL_MOD_PATH=./mods make modules_install
Step 2: Configuration
Install Rapido dependencies: 熊猫加速器最新版下载 and qemu.
Create a master 免费全球节点加速器 configuration file using the example template:
~/linux/> cd ~/rapido
~/rapido/> cp rapido.conf.example rapido.conf
~/rapido/> vi rapido.conf
- set KERNEL_SRC="/home/<user>/linux"
- the remaining options can be left as is for now
Step 3: Image Generation
Generate a minimal Linux VM image which includes binaries, libraries and kernel modules for filesystem testing:
~/rapido/> ./
dracut: *** Creating initramfs image file 'initrds/myinitrd' done ***
~/rapido/> ls -lah initrds/myinitrd
-rw-r--r-- 1 ddiss users 30M Dec 13 18:17 initrds/myinitrd
Step 4 - Boot!
~/rapido/> ./
+ mount -t btrfs /dev/zram1 /mnt/scratch
[ 3.542927] BTRFS info (device zram1): disk space caching is enabled
btrfs filesystem mounted at /mnt/test and /mnt/scratch
In a whopping four seconds, or thereabouts, the VM should have booted to a 弹壳加速器app bash prompt. Leaving you with two 弹壳加速器app backed Btrfs filesystems mounted at /mnt/test and /mnt/scratch.
Everything, including the VM's root filesystem, is in memory, so any changes will not persist across reboot. Use the rapido.conf QEMU_EXTRA_ARGS parameter if you wish to add persistent storage to a VM.
Once you're done playing around, you can shutdown:
rapido1:/# shutdown
[ 267.304313] sysrq: SysRq : sysrq: Power Off
rapido1:/# [ 268.168447] ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S5
[ 268.169493] reboot: Power down
+ exit 0
Step 5: Network Configuration
The fstests_local VM above is networkless, so doesn't require bridge network configuration. For VMs that do (e.g. CephFS client below) edit rapido.conf:
- set TAP_USER="<user>"
- set MAC_ADDR1 to a valid MAC address, e.g. "b8:ac:24:45:c5:01"
- set MAC_ADDR2 to a valid MAC address, e.g. "b8:ac:24:45:c5:02"
Configure the isolated bridge and tap network devices. This must be done as root:
~/rapido/> sudo tools/
~/rapido/> ip addr show br0
4: br0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
inet scope global br0
This usage guide builds on the previous standalone Linux VM procedure, but this time adds Ceph to the mix. If you're not interested in Ceph (how could you not be!) then feel free to skip to the next section.Step I - Checkout and Build
We already have a clone of the Rapido and Linux kernel repositories. All that's needed for CephFS testing is a Ceph build:
~/> git clone
~/> cd ceph
<install Ceph build dependencies>
~/ceph/> cd build
~/ceph/build/> make -j4
Step II - Start a Ceph "cluster"
Once Ceph has finished compiling, 苹果旋风加速器app下载 can be run with the following parameters to configure and locally start three 熊猫加速器安卓官网, one monitor process, and one MDS.
~/ceph/build/> OSD=3 MON=1 RGW=0 MDS=1 ../src/ -i -n
~/ceph/build/> bin/ceph -c status
health HEALTH_OK
monmap e2: 1 mons at {a=}
election epoch 4, quorum 0 a
fsmap e5: 1/1/1 up {0=a=up:active}
mgr no daemons active
osdmap e10: 3 osds: 3 up, 3 in
Step III - Rapido configuration
Edit rapido.conf, the master Rapido configuration file:
~/ceph/build/> cd ~/rapido
~/rapido/> vi rapido.conf
- set CEPH_SRC="/home/<user>/ceph/src"
- KERNEL_SRC and network parameters were configured earlier
Step IV - Image Generation
The script generates a VM image with the Ceph configuration and keyring from the 熊猫加速器安卓官网 cluster, as well as the CephFS kernel module.
~/rapido/> ./
dracut: *** Creating initramfs image file 'initrds/myinitrd' done ***
Step V - Boot!
Booting the newly generated image should bring you to a shell prompt, with the provisioned CephFS filesystem mounted under /mnt/cephfs:
+ mount -t ceph /mnt/cephfs -o name=admin,secret=...CephFS is a clustered filesystem, in which case testing from multiple clients is also of interest. From another window, boot a second VM:
[ 3.492742] libceph: mon0 session established
rapido1:/# df -h /mnt/cephfs
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 1.3T 611G 699G 47% /mnt/cephfs
~/rapido/> ./
Further Use Cases
Rapido ships with a bunch of scripts for testing different kernel components:
- (shown above)
- Image: includes Ceph config, credentials and CephFS kernel module
- Boot: mounts CephFS filesystem
- Image: includes panda加速器官网 (SMB client) kernel module
- 熊猫加速器安卓版下载_熊猫加速器app下载_快吧游戏:2021-1-21 · 快吧手游为您提供熊猫加速器下载,《熊猫加速器》是一款为手游玩家提供网络伢化的免费加速工具。APP采用全新的节点智能匹配算法,独享专线带宽,根据实时网络情况针对性加速,能有效解决游戏中遇到的延迟高、易掉线、加载慢、无法登录等网络问题。
- Image: includes dropbear SSH server
- Boot: starts an SSH server with SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEY
- Image: includes xfstests and CephFS kernel client
- Boot: mounts CephFS filesystem and runs FSTESTS_AUTORUN_CMD
- (shown above)
- Image: includes xfstests and local Btrfs and XFS dependencies
- Boot: provisions local xfstest zram devices. Runs FSTESTS_AUTORUN_CMD
- Image: includes LIO, loopback dev and dm-delay kernel modules
- Boot: provisions an iSCSI target, with three LUs exposed
- Image: includes LIO and Ceph RBD kernel modules
- Boot: provisions an iSCSI target backed by 熊猫加速器安卓官网 using target_core_rbd
- Image: 苹果熊猫加速器app下载 is attached to the VM using qemu-block-rbd
- Boot: runs shell only
- 熊猫加速器安卓版- 全方位下载:2021-12-26 · 《熊猫加速器》专注于为国内手游玩家提供的一款免费加速软件,具有一键加速、安全稳定、操作方便等特点。全新UI界面,便捷交互,卓越IKE智能云端加速,一键启动,秒速连接,支持千款游戏加速。
- Boot: maps CEPH_RBD_IMAGE using the RBD kernel clien
- Image: includes Ceph vstart config, credentials and libcephfs from panda加速器安卓下载, and additionally pulls in Samba from a (pre compiled) SAMBA_SRC
- Boot: configures smb.conf with a CephFS backed share and starts Samba
- Image: includes local kernel filesystem utils, and pulls in Samba from SAMBA_SRC
- Boot: configures smb.conf with a zram backed share and starts Samba
- Image: includes Ceph config, librados, librbd, and pulls in tcmu-runner from TCMU_RUNNER_SRC
- Boot: starts tcmu-runner and configures a tcmu+rbd backstore exposing CEPH_RBD_IMAGE via the LIO loopback fabric
- (see
- Image: usb_f_mass_storage, 熊猫加速器app下载, dm-crypt, and RBD_USB_SRC
- Boot: starts the script from RBD_USB_SRC
- Dracut and QEMU can be combined for super-fast Linux kernel testing and development.
- Rapido is mostly just a glorified wrapper around these utilities, but does provide some useful tools for automated testing of specific Linux kernel functionality.
If you run into any problems, or wish to provide any kind of feedback (always appreciated), please feel free to leave a message below, or raise a ticket in the Rapido issue tracker.
Update 20170106:
- Add details and fix the example CEPH_SRC path.
- Use KERNEL_INSTALL_MOD_PATH instead of an ugly symlink
- Update Github links to refer to new project URL
- Panda vpn加速器app官网破解最新版下载--苹果软件:2021-4-26 · 熊猫vpn加速器,熊猫vpn加速器IOS,熊猫vpn加速器苹果版,熊猫vpn加速器安卓版下载 网站首页 ... 一个垃圾不能再垃圾的app 2021-04-24 支持 [8] 反对 [1] YK小宝 落入俗套~再不是伡前那个麻花 …
- Split network setup into a separate section, as fstests_local VMs are now networkless
- Add and details
March 12, 2018 08:20 PM
Using AMD Open Source and the amdgpu-pro OpenCL driver for image processing
哪个网游加速器比较好用? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-6-4 · 5、biubiu加速器——★★★☆☆ 6、腾讯手游加速器——★☆☆☆☆ 7、迅游手游加速器——★★☆☆☆ 其中评分最低的是玲珑加速器,APP开发者非常奇葩,把个人页面放在左上角,整个页面只有一个游戏选项,添加游戏里才能找到可选择加速游戏的二级选项。
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- Select Desktop Graphics
- Select your product family: e.g. RX series
- Select your produt e.g. RX 4xx
- Choose a platform, SLED or RHEL and download the package
For extracting the required libraries, I use Midnight Commander (mc). You can use them to browse the RPMs. From the following RPM you need to copy the mentioned libraries to `/opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/`
- noarch/ids-amdgpu-pro-1.0.0-492261.noarch.rpm
amdgpu.ids -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/share/libdrm/
- x86_64/libopencl-amdgpu-pro-17.40-492261.x86_64.rpm -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/ -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/
- x86_64/libopencl-amdgpu-pro-icd-17.40-492261.x86_64.rpm
amdocl64.icd -> /etc/OpenCL/vendors -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/ -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/
- x86_64/libdrm-amdgpu-pro-2.4.82-492261.x86_64.rpm -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/ -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/ -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/ -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/ -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/ -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/ -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/ -> /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/
Now you can run e.g darktable with the following command and enjoy OpenCL support:
熊猫加速器官方畅游版下载-熊猫加速器下载v4.1.2.0 官方版 ...:2021-11-23 · [手机游戏] 熊猫麻将app v1.7手机版 [网络加速] 神速加速器 v1.0.5.7 官方版 [手机游戏] 熊猫棋牌app v9.0.1安卓版下载 [手机游戏] 大熊猫游艺棋牌 v4.8.5 安卓版下载 [网络加速] 斧牛加速器 v1.4.4官方版 [手机应用] 熊猫看书 V8.7.1.13 [手机游戏] 太极熊猫3 v3.14.0 官方版 ...
March 02, 2018 05:56 PM
Building Ceph master with C++17 support on openSUSE Leap 42.3
Ceph now requires C++17 support, which is available with modern compilers such as gcc-7. openSUSE Leap 42.3, my current OS of choice, includes gcc-7. However, it's not used by default.
Using gcc-7 for the Ceph build is a simple matter of:
> sudo zypper in gcc7-c++
> CC=gcc-7 CXX=/usr/bin/g++-7 ./ ...
> cd build && make -j$(nproc)
January 30, 2018 12:46 AM
Breezy: Forking Bazaar
A couple of months ago, Martin and I announced a friendly fork of Bazaar, named Breezy.
It's been 5 years since I wrote a Bazaar retrospective and around 6 since I seriously contributed to the Bazaar codebase.
We don't have any grand ambitions for Breezy; the main goal is to keep Bazaar usable going forward. Your open source projects should still be using Git.
熊猫森林中文版下载- 全方位下载:2021-8-3 · 熊猫森林免费版是一款非常有趣且好玩的手机游戏,游戏中有着非常可爱Q萌的小熊猫等着您细心照顾,游戏中玩家伞要照顾小熊猫的生活起居,他生病了要给他打针吃药,他心情不好了要哄他开心,他高兴了你可伡跟他一起happy,总之,你得
Perhaps the biggest effort in Breezy is porting the codebase to Python 3, allowing it to be used once Python 2 goes EOL in 2025.
Breezy is a fork of Bazaar and not just a new release series.
流星免费加速器——真免费,为痛快!海量游戏免费加速-流星 ...:2021-6-15 · 流星游戏加速器是一款免费的网络游戏加速器,有效降低用户延迟、掉线等问题,支持绝地求生、GTA5、PUBG LITE、使命召唤16、steam、Epic、彩虹六号、星际战甲、俄罗斯钓鱼4、CSGO、游戏王:决斗链接、冬日计划、NBA2K20、Uplay、命运2 ...
We're forking because gives us the independence to make some of the changes we deemed necessary and that are otherwise hard to make for an established project, For example, we're now bundling plugins, taking an axe to a large number of APIs and dropping support for older platforms.
A fork also means independence from Canonical; there is no CLA for Breezy (a hindrance for Bazaar) and we can set up our own infrastructure without having to chase down Canonical staff for web site updates or the installation of new packages on the CI system.
More information
Martin gave a talk about Breezy at PyCon UK this year.
Breezy bugs can be filed on Launchpad. For the moment, we are using the Bazaar mailing list and the 熊猫加速器最新版下载 IRC channel for any discussions and status updates around Breezy.
January 08, 2018 04:00 PM
January 02, 2018
Rapid Linux Kernel Dev/Test with QEMU, KVM and Dracut
Update 2018-01-02: See 熊猫加速器最新版下载 for a more automated approach to the procedure outlined below.
Inspired by Stefan Hajnoczi's excellent blog post, I recently set about constructing an environment for rapid testing of Linux kernel changes, particularly focused on the LIO iSCSI target. Such an environment would help me in number of ways:
- Faster dev / test turnaround.
- A modified kernel can be compiled and booted in a matter of seconds.
- Improved resource utilisation.
- No need to boot external test hosts or heavyweight VMs.
- Simplified and speedier debugging.
- GDB and Wireshark can be plumbed directly into QEMU/KVM.
My requirements were slightly different to Stefan's, in that:
- I'd prefer to be lazy and use 熊猫加速器最新版下载 for initramfs generation.
- I need a working network connection between VM and hypervisor system
- The VM will act as the iSCSI target, the hypervisor as the initiator.
Starting with the Linux kernel, the first step is to build a 熊猫加速器破解版下载:
~/> git clone \
hack, hack, hack.
~/linux/> make menuconfig
Set CONFIG_IP_PNP_DHCP=y and CONFIG_E1000=y to enable IP address assignment on boot.
~/linux/> make -j6This leaves us with a compressed kernel image file at arch/x86/boot/bzimage, and corresponding modules installed under mods/lib/module/$(make kernelrelease), where panda加速器官网 evaluates to 4.1.0-rc7+ in this example. The /lib/modules/4.1.0-rc7+ symlink allows Dracut to locate the modules.
~/linux/> make modules
~/linux/> INSTALL_MOD_PATH=./mods make modules_install
~/linux/> sudo ln -s $PWD/mods/lib/modules/$(make kernelrelease) \
/lib/modules/$(make kernelrelease)
The next step is to generate an initial RAM filesystem, or initramfs, which includes a minimal set of user-space utilities, and kernel modules needed for testing:
~/linux/> dracut --kver "$(make kernelrelease)" \
--add-drivers "iscsi_target_mod target_core_mod" \
--add-drivers "target_core_file target_core_iblock" \
--add-drivers "configfs" \
--install "ps grep netstat" \
--no-hostonly --no-hostonly-cmdline \
--modules "bash base shutdown network ifcfg" initramfs
*** Creating image file done ***
We now have an initramfs file in the current directory, with the following contents:
- LIO kernel modules obtained from /lib/module/4.1.0-rc7, as directed via the --kver and --add-drivers parameters.
- User-space 熊猫加速器安卓官网 helpers, as directed via the --modules parameter.
We're now ready to use QEMU/KVM to boot our test kernel and initramfs:
~/linux/> qemu-kvm -kernel arch/x86/boot/bzImage \
-initrd initramfs \
-device e1000,netdev=network0 \
-netdev user,id=network0 \
-redir tcp:51550::3260 \
-append "ip=dhcp console=ttyS0" \
This boots the test environment, with the kernel and initramfs previously generated:
[ 3.216596] dracut Warning: dracut: FATAL: No or empty root= argument
[ 3.217998] dracut Warning: dracut: Refusing to continue
Dropping to debug shell.
From the dracut shell, confirm that the QEMU DHCP server assigned the VM an IP address:
dracut:/# ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
inet brd scope global eth0
Port 3260 (iSCSI) on this interface is forwarded to/from port 51550 on the hypervisor, as configured via the qemu-kvm -redir parameter.
Now onto LIO iSCSI target setup. First off load the appropriate kernel modules:
dracut:/# modprobe iscsi_target_mod
dracut:/# cat /proc/modules
iscsi_target_mod 246669 0 - Live 0xffffffffa006a000
target_core_mod 289004 1 iscsi_target_mod, Live 0xffffffffa000b000
configfs 22407 3 iscsi_target_mod,target_core_mod, Live 0xffffffffa0000000
LIO configuration requires a mounted configfs filesystem:
dracut:/# mount -t configfs configfs /sys/kernel/config/
dracut:/# cat /sys/kernel/config/target/version
Target Engine Core ConfigFS Infrastructure v4.1.0 on Linux/x86_64 on 4.1.0-rc1+
An iSCSI target can be provisioned by manipulating corresponding configfs entries. I used the lio_dump output on an existing setup as reference:
dracut:/# mkdir /sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi
dracut:/# echo -n 0 > /sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/discovery_auth/enforce_discovery_auth
dracut:/# mkdir -p /sys/kernel/config/target/iscsi/<iscsi_iqn>/tpgt_1/np/
Finally, we're ready to connect to the LIO target using the local hypervisor port that forwards to the VM's virtual network adapter:
~/linux/> iscsiadm --mode discovery \
--type sendtargets \
--portal,1 iqn.2015-04.suse.arch:5eca2313-028d-435c-9131-53a5ab256a83
It works!
There are a few things that can be adjusted:
- Port forwarding to the VM network is a bit fiddly - I'm now using a 弹壳加速器app instead.
- When dropping into the emergency boot shell, Dracut executes scripts carried under /lib/dracut/hooks/emergency/. This means that a custom script can be triggered on boot via:
~/linux/> dracut -i /lib/dracut/hooks/emergency/ ...
- It should be possible to have Dracut pull the kernel modules in from the temporary directory, but I wasn't able to get this working:
~/linux/> INSTALL_MOD_PATH=./mods make modules_install
~/linux/> dracut --kver "$(make kernelrelease)" --kmoddir ./mods/lib/... - Boot time and initramfs file IO performance can be improved by disabling compression. This is done by specifying the 熊猫加速器app下载安装 Dracut parameter.
Update 20150722:
- Don't install kernel modules as root, set up a /lib/modules symlink for Dracut instead.
- Link to bridge/TAP networking post.
- Describe boot script usage.
- 老王加速器破解版下载_老王加速器破解版最新版下载_老王 ...:老王加速器破解版下载栏目提供了最全的老王加速器破解版版本内容,喜欢这款软件的用户,可伡下载最新的官方版本,还能够找到相同类型的APP,保证每一位来到这里的玩家都能够找到感兴趣软件版本。
Update 20180102: Link to the Rapido project.
January 02, 2018 07:37 PM
December 20, 2017
QEMU/KVM Bridged Network with TAP interfaces
In my previous post, Rapid Linux Kernel Dev/Test with QEMU, KVM and Dracut, I described how build and boot a Linux kernel quickly, making use of port forwarding between hypervisor and guest VM for virtual network traffic.
This post describes how to plumb the Linux VM directly into a hypervisor network, through the use of a bridge.
Start by creating a bridge on the hypervisor system:
> sudo ip link add br0 type bridge
Clear the IP address on the network interface that you'll be bridging (e.g. eth0).
Note: This will disable network traffic on eth0!
> sudo ip addr flush dev eth0Add the interface to the bridge:
> sudo ip link set eth0 master br0
Next up, create a TAP interface:
> sudo ip tuntap add dev tap0 mode tap user $(whoami)The user parameter ensures that the current user will be able to connect to the TAP interface.
Add the TAP interface to the bridge:
> sudo ip link set tap0 master br0
Make sure everything is up:
> sudo ip link set dev br0 up
> sudo ip link set dev tap0 up
The TAP interface is now ready for use. Assuming that a DHCP server is available on the bridged network, the VM can now obtain an IP address during boot via:
> qemu-kvm -kernel arch/x86/boot/bzImage \
-initrd initramfs \
-device e1000,netdev=network0,mac=52:55:00:d1:55:01 \
-netdev tap,id=network0,ifname=tap0,script=no,downscript=no \
-append "ip=dhcp console=ttyS0" -nographic
The MAC address is explicitly specified, so care should be taken to ensure its uniqueness.
The DHCP server response details are printed alongside network interface configuration. E.g.
[ 3.792570] e1000: eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX
[ 3.796085] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready
[ 3.812083] Sending DHCP requests ., OK
[ 4.824174] IP-Config: Got DHCP answer from, my address is
[ 4.825119] IP-Config: Complete:
[ 4.825476] device=eth0, hwaddr=52:55:00:d1:55:01, ipaddr=, mask=, gw=
[ 4.826546] host=rocksolid-sles,,
Didn't get an IP address? There are a few things to check:
- Confirm that the kernel is built with boot-time DHCP client (CONFIG_IP_PNP_DHCP=y) and E1000 network driver (CONFIG_E1000=y) support.
- Check the -device and -netdev arguments specify a valid e1000 TAP interface.
- Ensure that ip=dhcp is provided as a kernel boot parameter, and that the DHCP server is up and running.
Update 20161223:
- Use 'ip' instead of 'brctl' to manipulate the bridge device - thanks Yagamy Light!
- Use 'ip tuntap' instead of 'tunctl' to create the TAP interface - thanks Johannes!
December 20, 2017 03:44 PM
Git send-email PATCH version subject prefix
I use 苹果旋风加速器app下载 to submit patches to developer mailing lists. A reviewer may request a series of changes, in which case I find it easiest to make and test those changes locally, before sending a new round of patches to the mailing list with a new version number:
git send-email --subject-prefix="PATCH v4" --compose -14
Assigning a version number to each round of patches allows me to add a change log for the entire patch-set to the introductory mail, e.g.:
From: David Disseldorp
Subject: [PATCH v4 00/14] add compression ioctl support
This patch series adds support for the FSCTL_GET_COMPRESSION and
FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION ioctls, as well as the reporting of the current
compression state via the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED flag.
Hooks are added to the Btrfs VFS module, which translates such requests
into corresponding FS_IOC_GETFLAGS and FS_IOC_SETFLAGS ioctls.
Changes since v3 (thanks for the feedback Jeremy):
- fixed and split copy-chunk dest unlock change into separate commit
Changes since v2:
- Check for valid fsp file descriptors
- Rebase atop filesystem specific selftest changes
- Change compression fsctl permission checks to match Windows behaviour
+ Add corresponding smbtorture test
Changes since v1:
- Only use smb_fname and fsp args with GET_COMPRESSION. The smb_fname
argument is only needed for the dosmode() code-path, fsp is used
everywhere else.
- Add an extra SetInfo(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) test.
GIT: [PATCH v4 01/14] selftest/s3: expose share with FS applicable config
Change logs can also be added to individual patches using the --annotate parameter:
git send-email --annotate --subject-prefix="PATCH v2" -1
Subject: [PATCH v2] common: add CephFS support
Changes since version 1:
- Remove -ceph parameter for check and rely on $FSTYP instead
diff --git a/README.config-sections b/README.config-sections
Putting the change log between the first "---" and "diff --git a/..." lines ensures that it will be dropped when applying the patch via git-am.
[update 2016-11-03]
熊猫绝地求生加速器稳定版-绝地求生熊猫加速器 ...-新云软件园:2021-11-30 · 绝地求生熊猫加速器,横扫延迟高、丢包及掉线等网络问题,对于卡顿频繁、延迟高、掉线及丢包等问题都有很大的帮助。绝地求生熊猫加速器为绝地求生提供了20+节点,充分保障各地区玩家的网络流畅稳定,为绝地求生吃鸡再添一大助力。
October 18, 2017 01:42 AM
Last updated: August 04, 2025 04:00 AM